
By Tara-J Holistic Health

Nirvana Today LLC

Smoke Weed Barcelona

Health and Wellbeing Tags: Cannabis Clubs Barcelona and weed club Barcelona

Gail Hooper Hypnotherapy and Coaching

Health and Wellbeing Tags: hypnotherapy and life coaching

Gemma Fisher – Formula Health Ltd

Health and Wellbeing Tags: Cryotherapy and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Doula Helena

Health and Wellbeing Tags: Doula and Hypnobirthing

Ananda Rajadhiiraja Yoga

Health and Wellbeing Tags: #yoga

Jessica Gartside – Fallen Star Energy Centre

Health and Wellbeing Tags: reiki and Sound Therapy

Emma Caulfield – The Breathwork Coaches

Health and Wellbeing Tags: Breathwork Mindfulness

Oscar Marin Sanz – Oscar IceHeart

Health and Wellbeing Tags: WHIM OF METHOD


Health and Wellbeing Tags: cbd drops, cbd for sleep, cbd oil, cbd shop and cbd sleep

Psychology Room by Kathleen Quigley

Health and Wellbeing Tags: counselling, hypnotherapy and psychology

Hypnotherapy with Rebecca

Health and Wellbeing Tags: hypnotherapy

Nutrition with Hayley

Health and Wellbeing Tags: nutrition therapy

Breathe East Breathwork

Lorna Kennard-Wall – Spiritual Life Coach and PSYCH-K® Facilitator

Health and Wellbeing Tags: life coach, mindset coach, personal growth and spiritual coaching

Systematic Kinesiology

Health and Wellbeing Tags: kinesiology

PSYCH-K® Facilitator

Compassionate Inquiry with Olga Kakoulidou

Ibiza Weed

Health and Wellbeing Tags: Cannabis Ibiza, Marijuana Ibiza and Weed Ibiza


Health and Wellbeing Tags: 10-OH-HHC, 10-OH-HHCP, CBC, CBDA, CBG, HHCV, THCH, THCJD, THCO, THCP and THCV

Baby and Children’s Sleep Consultant with Amy

Health and Wellbeing Tags: Baby and Children's Sleep Consultant

Manicure & Pedicure’s with Suihua

Health and Wellbeing Tags: Manicure and Pedicure

Eeshan IVF

Craig Smyth

Health and Wellbeing Tags: Outdoor First Aid (C11) and Sports Trauma Management

Answer Inside B.V. (Councelling)

Health and Wellbeing Tags: RTT (Rapid Transformation Therapy)

Hannah Coward

Health and Wellbeing Tags: Baby and Children's Sleep Consultant

Tamsin Rance

Wholeheartedly You

Health and Wellbeing Tags: Cacao Cermeonies

Philippa Patton

Health and Wellbeing Tags: Talking Therapy

Yoga by Karin

Health and Wellbeing Tags: Meditation and Vinyasa Yoga (C16)

Keijzer Academy