Complementary Therpaies With Christine Michele Murray

Health and Wellbeing Tags: anxiety, aromatherapy, EFT, holistic, Massage, reiki, stress and training

Beat the Burnout & Find your Balance

Health and Wellbeing Tags: academia, burnout, HE, mindfulness and stress

Mental Health Services

Health and Wellbeing Tags: Mental Health, stress and anxiety

The Rainbow journey

Health and Wellbeing Tags: Massage, reiki, Inamojo, relax, pain and stress

Growing Gurus Children’s Relaxation and Wellbeing Sessions

Health and Wellbeing Tags: relaxation, anxiety, ADHD and stress

Journal & Gratitude Journal Workshop

Health and Wellbeing Tags: gratitude, stress, anxiety and relaxation

Mike Kelly Complementary Therapies

Health and Wellbeing Tags: Massage, holistic, healing and stress