Reflective Walk - 21/06/2017

Event Tags: global, meditation and reatreat

Meditation Insights – meditation and relationships

Event Tags: global, meditation and retreat

Reflective Walk - 28/06/2017

Event Tags: global, meditation and reatreat

Meditation Insights – meditation and self-compassion

Event Tags: compassion, global, meditation and retreat

Raja Yoga Meditation - 01/07/2017

Reflective Walk - 05/07/2017

Event Tags: global, meditation and reatreat

Introduction to Raja Yoga Meditation

Event Tags: global, raja yoga and retreat

Raja Yoga Meditation - 08/07/2017

Raja Yoga Meditation - 15/07/2017

Reflective Walk - 19/07/2017

Event Tags: global, meditation and reatreat

Raja Yoga Meditation - 22/07/2017

Reflective Walk - 26/07/2017

Event Tags: global, meditation and reatreat


Event Tags: global retreat, meditation and rakhi

Meditation Insights – Meditation and seeing beauty

Event Tags: global retreat and meditation

Introduction to Raja Yoga Meditation - 07/08/2017

Event Tags: meditation, raja and yoga

Reflective Walk - 09/08/2017

Event Tags: global, meditation and reatreat

Dance Meditation

Event Tags: dance, Innerspace and meditation

Introduction to Raja Yoga Meditation - 14/08/2017

Event Tags: meditation, raja and yoga

Reflective Walk - 16/08/2017

Event Tags: global, meditation and reatreat

Reflective Walk - 23/08/2017

Event Tags: global, meditation and reatreat

Reflective Walk - 30/08/2017

Event Tags: global, meditation and reatreat

Meditation Insights – Constant and Consistent Divine Love

Event Tags: global retreat, meditaion and workshop

Meditation Insights – Increasing Mindful Awareness

Introduction to Raja Yoga Meditation - 01/11/2017

Meditation Insights – Sacred Silent Space

Event Tags: global retreat and meditation

Introduction to Raja Yoga Meditation - 08/11/2017

Introduction to Raja Yoga Meditation - 15/11/2017

Meditation Insights – Playful Sense of Childlike Wonder

Event Tags: global retreat and meditation

Four Faces of Woman

Introduction to Raja Yoga Meditation - 22/11/2017

Meditation Insights – Nothing is certain but change

Event Tags: global retreat and meditation

A Day of Meditation

Meditation Insights – Constant Journey of Endless Discovery

Event Tags: global retreat and meditation

Gentle Children’s Meditation on Stillness - 13/01/2018

Event Tags: healing, mediation and mindfulness

One-day Raja Yoga Meditation

Event Tags: meditation and raja yoga

Gentle Children’s Meditation on Stillness - 27/01/2018

Event Tags: healing, mediation and mindfulness

Meditation Insights – on the abundant beauty that doesn’t exist yet

Introduction to Raja Yoga Meditation – Four-week course - 03/02/2018

Event Tags: Innerspace and meditation

Meditation for Our World - 04/02/2018

Event Tags: Innerspace, meditation, music and silence

Introduction to Raja Yoga Meditation – Four-week course - 05/02/2018

Event Tags: Innerspace, meditation and raja yoga