Ruti Chang

Spinal Energetics

Health and Wellbeing Tags: energy healing, spinal energetics and trauma healing

Pranic Healing

Health and Wellbeing Tags: energy healing and pranic healing

Empowered Goddess Healing

Peaceful Minds (Scot) Ltd

Health and Wellbeing Tags: energy healing, life coaching, Pellowah and Spiritual connection

Thinking Energetically – Energy Healing and Reiki

Health and Wellbeing Tags: energy healing and reiki

Amanda Cox Energy Healing

Health and Wellbeing Tags: Distant Healing, energy healing, healing and reiki

Pellowah Healing

Health and Wellbeing Tags: energy healing, consciousness and light

Heal and Sole Holistics

Reiki Master and Teacher IICT

Health and Wellbeing Tags: detox, energy healing, healing and past life