Health and Wellbeing Tags: Autism Awareness, Career Coaching, CBT / Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Confidence Enhancement, EMDR, Emotional Freedom Technique, Emotionally Focussed Therapy (EFT), hypnotherapy, life coaching, Matrix Reimprinting, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Coaching, Personal Development (Counselling, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Psychotherapy (including Jungian Analysts) and Stress Management
City: Antwerp
Country: Belgium
Health and Wellbeing Tags: Angel card reading, Angel Work, Breathwork Mindfulness, Channelling, Confidence Enhancement, empowerment, energy healing, Essence of Angels, Feng Shui, Fitness Instructor, Fitness Yoga (Inc Freestyle), Intuitive Energy Healing, Intuitive Healer and Life Purpose Activator, Law of Attraction Teaching, life coaching, Life Purpose Activator, Mediation/ Conciliation, Meditation/Mind Instruction/Psychic Awareness, mindfulness, mindfulness meditation, Oracle Card Reading, Qi Gong (Chi Kung), Self-Love Therapy, Soul Body Fusion, Special Yoga, spiritual healing, strength and conditioning, stress release, Tai Chi (Non Combat) and Vibrational Essences
City: Hoofddorp
Country: Netherlands