Ezra Lu

Health and Wellbeing Tags: chiropractic

Osteopathy with Valeska Acosta

Health and Wellbeing Tags: Dry Needling and Osteopathy (without injections)

Holistic Body Therapy with Anna Salo

Health and Wellbeing Tags: Holistic Body Therapy and Spinal Flow Technique

Valentine Bordet therapies

Gervais Roubeix at Osteopathy

Health and Wellbeing Tags: osteopathy

The Recovery Hub

Massage by Marina

Health and Wellbeing Tags: Emotional Health, Massage, mental wellbeing and relaxation

Body Treatments with Jhonny Jimenez

Stretch Life – One-on-One PNF Assisted Stretching

Health and Wellbeing Tags: AssistedStretching, PNF and Stretching

Oluwaseum Holistic Health Therapy

Health and Wellbeing Tags: Coaching, Massage, reflexology and reiki

Caroline Jago Hypnotherapy & Life Coaching

Health and Wellbeing Tags: hypnotherapy coaching hypnobirthing